Fireflies are amazing little creatures. They are nocturnal insects that emit a luminous light. The glow-worm is in the same family but a slightly different creature.
1. There are just under 2,000 species of fireflies in the world today.
2. Of these 2,000 species just under 200 reside in North America alone.
3. While young fireflies need some nectar to grow and survive, adult fireflies do not eat to survive.
4. Fireflies have a life span of about two months. I am told this is not related to the fact that adults don’t eat.
5. Fireflies are totally harmless. They carry no disease, they can’t bite you, they can’t even pinch you. Adorable.
6. They are considered to be one of the slowest fliers in the insect world too.
7. Fireflies have soft bodies and vary between 5 mm and 25 mm long.
8. Fireflies can be found anywhere in the world except Antarctica.
9. Fireflies are the only living thing that generates light without generating heat. Cool! (literally cool)
10. Female fireflies will flash male fireflies for attention. Flash as in blink their light at them not any body part if that is what you were thinking. Shame on you.
11. Flashing is not just part of a mating ritual. It can be used to put off predators as they may fear the light too.
12. Fireflies have the ability to do many different signals with many different meanings using their lights.
13. Fireflies produce a chemical reaction in their bodies to cause them to light up. It is known as bioluminescence.
14. Owl city has a song called fireflies that while catchy becomes pretty annoying after repeated listens. If you like that song you should listen to the band The Postal Service. A similar sound but it came first and is really nice on a Sunday chill day.