
Eight Creepy Facts About Spiders

Eight creepy facts about spiders

Spiders. Some people despise them, others just hate them. Let’s face it spiders don’t get a lot of love in this world. Although they can be fantastic for ridding homes of unwanted houseflies they can be seen as a little bit creepy at times too. If you would like to know some more facts about spiders that really show their creepy side, read on: 1. Spiders can’t handle their solids That’s right spiders can’t digest solid foods. They have to inject a liquid into their prey to be able to eat it. The liquid melts the organs inside their food...

Why You Should Place A Lemon Next To Your Bed Every Day

Why You Should Place A Lemon Next To Your Bed Every Day

When we think about our health, it will not be long before we come to the lemon! Why? Quite simply: This golden yellow fruit not only gives us the pure vitamin boost but also contains incredibly healthy plant nutrients that scour the body for free radicals that could harm us. Tea It does not have to stay with hot tea with lemon. We have a unique trick in store for you regarding this acid superstar. If you want to do something good for your skin, then start the day with a glass of lukewarm water and enough fresh lemon. It...

10 Interesting Facts About Komodo Dragons

10 Interesting Facts About Komodo Dragons

The Komodo Dragon. Without doubt one of the world’s most interesting creatures. While the world of dinosaurs is long over, there still exist some creatures today that appear out of prehistoric times. The Komodo Dragon is one of these. While the Komodo Dragon is well known, there are many misconceptions about the animal. Let’s try and clear some up now by delivering 10 facts you may not have known before. They are fast When you picture a Komodo dragon, do you imagine it slowly lumbering on the ground, lazily placing one foot after the other? In reality, the Komodo dragon...

How to solve the ocean issue in two easy steps

How to solve the ocean issue in two easy steps

The sad reality of the world today is that the oceans are in trouble. Unless we change our behavior the oceans will reach a point where they can’t be rescued. They will die and as a result, all life on Earth will die too. We need the oceans to survive. 100 million marine animals die every year from plastic waste. If this is not a clear alarm bell ringing to the entire population then there will likely never be one loud enough to be heard. The largest garbage site in the world isn’t actually on land, it is in the...

When the weather takes over your body

When the weather takes over your body

When the weather changes, you'll usually notice differences in how the trees look outside. You'll notice changes in the temperatures during the day. Another difference that you might notice is how your body feels from the inside out. Sometimes, the changes that you experience are significant, such as allergies that cause itchy and watery eyes or sneezing. Sometimes, you might notice a difference in your mood. Many people experience changes in how they feel when the weather changes, but some experience these changes a bit more than others. Headaches A common issue that you might have when the weather changes...

Rescued Dog And Baby Become Nap Buddies

Rescued Dog And Baby Become Nap Buddies

I never know if the expression “It´s a dog´s life” is meant to be a good thing or a bad thing? I see some dogs that are so badly mistreated that you think to be a dog must be the worst thing in the world. Then you see other dogs who live such a life of eating and napping, eating and napping, you know that this is the dream to so many. I hate when I have to leave to work and I see my dog still napping at the end of my bed with a smile on his face,...

A new solution in renewable energy is making considerable waves

A new solution in renewable energy is making considerable waves

The benefits of solar, wind, and wave energy have been highlighted by environmentalists for some time now. Yet most countries still continue to rely on traditional solutions with only modest efforts made to transform into these renewable energy resources. The problem is the price of the solutions themselves. While in theory, they are a fantastic solution, in reality, they run at high costs, require maintenance, and need the weather to do its part. A new design from a German startup may have changed the entire cost structure based on its unique design. The German startup SINN has created a modular...

Ever Wondered What the Opposite of an Albino Animal is?

Ever Wondered What the Opposite of an Albino Animal is?

Albinism is now a famous disorder where the person or animal has little or no pigment in the skin and can produce no melanin. This means that an animal will have completely white fur or in the case of a person, very white skin and white hair. However, did you know the opposite is also possible? The condition is called melanism and means that an animal or person has too much melanin the skin.  Melanin impacts skin color, eye color, and hair color. It is found in both animals and people and the majority of people have some level of...

This Couple Was Flying To New York And Apparently, Their Cat Decided To Go With Them

This Couple Was Flying To New York And Apparently, Their Cat Decided To Go With Them

We have all had that feeling when we are set to fly. You have packed your bag, you know what’s in it. Yet when you approach that security counter, your mind starts to go ultra-paranoid. Did I leave liquid in there? Maybe matches? I lost scissors 6 months ago, I bet it is in this bag. Usually, everything turns out fine, the bag passes through, you walk through the metal detectors and off you go. Occasionally they find something small and you have to bin it. However, have you ever been traveling, they check your bags, and find a cat!?...

Newborn’s Face Lights Up When She Hears Her Daddy’s Voice

Newborn’s Face Lights Up When She Hears Her Daddy’s Voice

Ahh babies, the joy of our lives. The continuation of our legacy. Others might even call them the fruits of our loin! Whatever name you attach to them, there’s no denying that babies are quite a blessing. Not only do they light up our lives, but their adorable gestures are what make us cherish every moment on this planet. In fact, one couple in Brazil got to experience just that. According to a story released by La Republica, Tarsila Rosa together with her partner Flavio Dantas noticed something amazing about their newborn daughter Antonella. While she was still in the...


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