
Restaurant with honest menu becomes internet sensation

Restaurant with honest menu becomes internet sensation

Honest is a rare quality, especially when it involves someone trying to make a sale. However, a small Chinese restaurant is proving that honesty truly is the best policy and that sometimes being forthright about the details is something others respect. Their forth-right and hilariously true menu has turned them into a Twitter sensation. The Aunt Dai restaurant in Montreal, Canada is owned by Feigang Fei. Since he knows that people go online to get the true to life details about a restaurant before they try it out, he decided to cut out the work for them. Instead of having...

Why we should all know the name Tim Berners-Lee

Why we should all know the name Tim Berners-Lee

The names of inventors are always well remembered. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Steve Jobs invented the iPhone. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Issac Newton is often credited with inventing gravity, although that makes no sense. Yet arguably the greatest invention the world has ever seen, since the printing press, is the world wide web and the average person has no idea who invented it. That man’s name is Tim Berners-Lee and he deserves to be remembered. Tim Berners-Lee was born in 1955 and was a standout academic in the area of physics. In 1980 he started to...

How to write letters in Japanese?

How to write letters in Japanese?

While e-mail and instant messaging makes communicating with someone a trivial matter, there are some situations where a handwritten letter can still be appreciated. Indeed, the fact that letters are so rarely received from person to person makes them all the more cherished; even a person's handwriting can remind others of that person and all of the warm feelings expressed in the words that written by that hand. One particular occasion where technology's advance holds no sway would be "nengajou," Japanese New Year's cards. These treasured holiday trinkets are never sent through any other means than traditional postage. Most Japanese...

The greatest airport in the world

The greatest airport in the world

No one likes to have a long layover at an airport. When you are on a long flight you at least know that you are getting closer to your final destination. When you are stuck in an airport it feels like time wasted. Watching a movie or playing on your phone can help but there are only so many hours you can watch and I prefer to save that time for the plane. So what can you do? You can roam the terminals looking for somewhere to charge your phone, you can buy an expensive neck pillow, or you can...

Seven islands that sponsor your move

Seven islands that sponsor your move

Wanting to do some island living and say goodbye to a fast paced lifestyle forever? How about packing your bags and shipping off to an island that will actually reward you for moving there? From sponsoring your move to helping you start a business there, these islands will give you the life of luxury and relaxation you've dreamed of. Sark, England Located in the Channel Islands, Sark is a tax free isle and is trying to get its population to 1000. Since the island is car-free, it is a hiking and biking paradise. Enjoy stargazing? Sark is a certified "dark...

Is printing money overseas a risk?

Is printing money overseas a risk?

Printing money is a process that most of us are pretty aware of. We know that governments have to print money regularly to replace any money that has become damaged over time. This adds up, with the U.S. alone printing over US$500 million a day to keep up its demand. Yet we know there is not actually a government minister printing the notes, so who is? In the U.S. it is a legal requirement that the money is printed within the border of the country but for many other countries, it is not. This brings the question of whether it...

Was “Rock around the clock” the first-ever rock n’ roll song to be recorded?

Was “Rock around the clock” the first-ever rock n’ roll song to be recorded?

Which song, according to you, was the first Rock ‘n’ Roll record to be recorded? Most people believed that “Rock Around the Clock” was the first song ever recorded in this genre; however, this widespread belief is not valid. In fact, “Rock Around the Clock” record was not even the first Rock song recorded by Bill Haley. However, it is true that “Rock Around the Clock” was the first song that hit #1 rank on the pop charts. How did rock music come into existence? The brilliance of Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Elvis Presley, and many more, transformed...

Discovering Kin-Ball, A Sport Like No Other

Discovering Kin-Ball, A Sport Like No Other

What is the worst thing about team sports? The team aspect! So often you play with a team and there is that one player who just thinks he/she is better than everyone else. You pass them the ball, ask for the pass back, and it never comes. They hold the ball for eternity, certain that they are so good they deserve to keep it. How would you solve this issue? It appears one sport has come up with the perfect solution. Enter Kin-Ball. Kin-Ball is a simple sport that appears to have solved the issue of selfish players by making...

Unravelling the truth of The Great Chicago Fire

Unravelling the truth of The Great Chicago Fire

There has been a myth for so long that a cow owned by Kate O’Leary started the Great Chicago Fire. According to the myth, the cow kicked the lit lantern that started the flames. The story then became the subject of kids’ poetry: Late one night, when we were all in bed, Mrs. O’Leary lit a lantern in the shed. Her cow kicked it over, Then winked her eye and said, “There’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight!” Destruction by The Great Chicago Fire: The fire claimed somewhere near about 3.3 square miles of Chicago, Illinois. The...

How to visit Europe without leaving the US

How to visit Europe without leaving the US

Europe is an incredible place to travel to. There are so many countries that are so close to each other that it offers the opportunity to sample a variety of cultures within a short distance and over a limited amount of time. The cultures are pretty impressive too. Whether it is the laid back Italian approach to life and incredible cuisine or the simple farming culture of the Dutch, there is beauty in every country in both the landscape and the people. During coronavirus, though it is difficult to get to Europe and tougher still to travel between countries. While...


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