
The Weirdest Phobias Facts

The Weirdest Phobias Facts

As human beings, we're scared of all sorts of things. This fear is what helped us evolve to become the dominant species on planet earth. Fear is what pushed us to develop the right tools to protect us from the numerous predators that roam the planet, especially at night! While fear plays a crucial part in our growth and evolution as humans, there is a type of fear that hinders us from doing even the most basic of things. This kind of fear is known as phobia... Simply put, a phobia is an exaggerated fear in something, someone, a situation,...

Did you know? Mr. Bean has a master’s degree

Did you know? Mr. Bean has a master’s degree

Rowan Atkinson played the character of Mr. Bean for years, and he has a master's degree in Electrical Engineering. Initially, he got his undergraduate Electrical Engineering degree from Newcastle University, and then he applied for the master's degree in The Queen's College Oxford in 1975. During his degree, Rowan pursued acting in parallel. He joined acting clubs like the Oxford University Dramatic Society, the Oxford Revue, and the Experimental Theatre Club. Atkinson's masters were also the time he developed the character of Mr. Bean. The basis of this character was a 'child in a grown man's body,' and it followed...

A Big Slice Of Pi

A Big Slice Of Pi

Geometry. You either loved it, or you hated it with a burning passion. But regardless of whether or not that class was one of your weaker points in your public education, just about everyone remembers learning about a curious number named pi. While we rounded it up to the hundredth digit when entering it into the calculator, the number of digits that pi consists of is a never ending circle (pun intended) of confusion that mathematicians are still struggling to understand. Here is just a few facts we've come to found out about pi over the literal thousands of years...

The new technology that allows you to taste anything in the world

The new technology that allows you to taste anything in the world

There are some incredible foods in the world and not enough time or money to try them all. Some of us will never get to eat at the best restaurants because we lack the funds or can’t get halfway around the world. Others have had our favorite foods but can never experience them again as the restaurant has closed down. Food can be a source of disappointment. When you try to eat healthily it can be great for your body but we all know that broccoli is never going to be as delicious as a juicy burger. That is life...

Did the Greeks have disability access?

Did the Greeks have disability access?

We have a tendency to pat ourselves on the back in modern society. Sure the ancient Egyptians created marvels like the pyramids but they weren’t as great as us. Of course, the Greeks were an amazing civilization but did they have the genius and innovation that we do today? Yes, the Mayan people could build amazing structures and understood the world but were they kind and caring to those who are less fortunate, as we claim to be? The truth is that we have lost so much knowledge about ancient civilizations that we often assume they were poorly developed. While...

New research shows a leap forward in identifying neurons vulnerable to Alzheimer

New research shows a leap forward in identifying neurons vulnerable to Alzheimer

New research may help scientists make huge strides in their fight against Alzheimer’s disease. This horrific condition is incurable and cannot be stopped at this time. The main cause of the disease is the loss of brain cells and neurons in the brain. This natural degeneration is what forces memory loss and the loss of cognitive functions. Researchers have not been able to tell which proteins or genes are expressed by certain neurons, even though they can figure out which neurons are the first to die. This is a critical piece of the puzzle because it's important to identify and...

How long does it take the body to recover from smoking?

How long does it take the body to recover from smoking?

While the world knows that smoking is bad for you, not many people know how long it takes to recover from smoking once you have stopped. A new study has revealed just how long it takes your body to get over smoking and the results are quite surprising. It can often feel like the world is starting to move on from smoking. The health impact is huge as it increases the risk of cancer and many other deadly diseases. Still, today one in four of those suffering from cardiovascular disease are there because they smoked. It is one of the...

Why people listen to songs over and over

Why people listen to songs over and over

My friend Frederick Conrad happens to be a bit of an amateur pollster. In his spare time, he decided to get 204 willing survey participants to track how many times they listen to their favorite songs. His goal: prove that it wasn't weird that he listened to Katy Perry's California girls at least seven times a day (he's still weird). The results of his polling aren’t surprising: 86% of people surveyed listened to their favorite song at least once per week50% listened to their favorite song everyday60% of people said they would listen to their favorite songs multiple times each...

Arecibo Observatory’s Venus Radar Mapping Project: A Milestone in Planetary Science 50 Years Later

Arecibo Observatory’s Venus Radar Mapping Project: A Milestone in Planetary Science 50 Years Later

Fifty years ago, in 1973, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico provided scientists with an unprecedented view of Venus’ surface. This was made possible through a radar mapping project that used the massive Arecibo radio telescope to bounce radio waves off the planet’s surface and capture the returned signals. The project was the first of its kind and yielded a wealth of information about the hostile environment of Venus. The Arecibo Observatory was built in 1963 and was the largest single-aperture radio telescope in the world at the time. Its massive size and advanced technology made it the perfect tool...

All Four Bases in DNA and RNA Discovered in Meteorites, Sparking New Research in the Search for Life in the Universe

All Four Bases in DNA and RNA Discovered in Meteorites, Sparking New Research in the Search for Life in the Universe

The discovery of the building blocks of life in meteorites has been a topic of interest for many scientists for many years. Recently, scientists have announced the discovery of all four bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. This discovery opens up new avenues for research on the origin of life and the potential for life on other planets. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic material that carries the instructions for the development and functioning of all living organisms. It consists of four different bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is...


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