Have you ever heard this statement by Hippocrates: “Walking is the best medicine for people”? Even then he was right. In fact, walking, in addition to a good night’s sleep and a healthy diet, can result in you no longer needing to go to the doctor. Taking a few steps every day is good for your appearance, your heart and your health in general.
At Just Perfact, we tested it for a week. And after just one week, we noticed a visible difference already. Best of all, it’s free, very easy to do and takes little time.
The following list shows some examples of what a little daily walk can do for the body and the mind.
Positive brain change
Research has shown that moving with a low impact, such as walking, can prevent early dementia. The risk of Alzheimer’s is considerably reduced then and overall mental health improves. Stress decreases and the endorphin level increases. Endorphine is the substance in our body that makes us feel happy.
Your vision improves
Yes, your eyes will benefit from you walking a bit every day. It can even significantly reduce the symptoms of glaucoma – which is an eye disease – by reducing eye pressure.
It helps prevent cardiovascular disease
According to the Dutch Heart Foundation, walking is just as effective as running when wanting to prevent cardiovascular disease or strokes. Walking helps to prevent heart problems by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, blood circulation improves.
You create more lung content
Walking is an aerobic exercise. This means that (additional) oxygen is used as if your body was at rest. Your body will, therefore, ensure that more oxygen circulates in the bloodstream. In this way, your lungs are trained and waste products are removed faster. As you automatically breathe deeper and better, walking can also reduce some symptoms of lung disease.
Beneficial effects on the pancreas
It may be hard to believe, but walking seems to be a much more effective way of preventing diabetes than, for example, running. Research has shown that one group of “walkers” showed a 6-fold improvement in glucose tolerance compared to a group of “runners” over a 6-month period.
Improved digestion
A 30-minute walk a day can not only reduce the colorectal cancer risk in the future but also improve digestion and bowel movements.
Better muscles
Healthy muscle tenseness and weight loss can also be achieved by walking. If you walk 10,000 steps every day, this is an excellent substitute for a couple of exercises in the gym. Since walking has little effect and there is no recovery time, you will have no muscle aches! The chance that you will go for another quick walk the next day is, therefore, greater, too.
Tighter bones and joints
Walking provides more joint mobility, prevents the loss of bone mass and even reduces the risk of fractures. The Dutch Rheumatism Foundation, therefore, recommends regularly running for 30 minutes a day to reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints.
Less backache
Walking can be a real lifesaver for those who suffer from (much) back pain. Exercise is very important for the back but a lot of exertion can be bad for the back. Since walking requires little effort for your body, it does not cause any pain. Walking contributes to better circulation of the spinal structures and improves the posture and flexibility which are essential for a healthy spine.
A calmer mind
Walking reduces the symptoms of depression in patients with major depression. Are you in a bad mood for a day or are you worried? A walk alone, with a friend or a loved one, will get you in a happier mood and improve your positive attitude! Go for a walk every day for 20 to 30 minutes and you will feel much better!