What lengths have you gone to, to cheat in the past? Have you brought secrets notes the size of your thumbnail into an exam? Have you worked out elaborate codes with your friends in an exam (one cough means yes, two coughs mean no, three coughs means that Colombus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, etc.)? What about your homework?
Did you have a big brother you could ask or even bribe? Cheating was always difficult but it appears it is getting easier. Bryce Gormanley was recently caught by his mum cheating on his math homework by using Alexa to provide the answers!
In the past we would have to go to incredible lengths to cheat, now it is simple as asking a question to an expensive speaker. At least Bryce Gormanley thought so when he was doing his math homework one night and routinely asking Alexa for each answer until his mother walked in. Obviously, she was not happy to see her beloved son cheating, but she was impressed by his creativity and his attitude.
The video has since gone viral with over 3.3 million views at the time of writing. It is particularly impressive when his mother catches him in the act. To her surprise, he turns around, smiles, and continues to cheat. Then his mother informs him he will have to do all the homework again, but this smart tactician doesn´t rise to the bait. He keeps his head down in the books and diligently ignores that request, well played.
The video raises some more serious questions. How much can we let technology get involved, when does it stop being an aid and start being an issue? In previous generations, students would have to spend days in libraries researching different topics across a plethora of books. The internet has made this previous terrible task, easy. So is Alexa just the next step in technological evolution, should we do away with multiplication, after all, we have Alexa now? Or do we need to put the shackles on technology to allow our kids to learn in a more independent way? Share your thoughts below.