Pixar Animation Studios is a wildly successful computer animation studio that has produced heart-warming classic films since the mid-1990s. Pixar has created 23 feature films and dozens of charming short films. It is currently owned by the global Walt Disney Company. In the year 2020, Pixar released its fantasy comedy-drama film Soul on the streaming service Disney+ due to the pandemic and theater closures. The film, which highlights the life of a middle school band teacher pursuing his musical passion, was highly rated across the board, reaching a 95% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Pixar is famous for fostering deep themes in its kid’s movies, which can cater to the adult audience as well. Themes like the meaning of life, finding your purpose, dealing with death, and coming of age are all emphasized in successful Pixar films. Out of all the stand-out movies that Pixar has produced, which do you think is the crowd favorite?
Wonder no more, we have a winner! Blog website The List conducted a survey of 6,100 people to find out from movie buffs which Pixar movie is the best. The four choices included Toy Story, Up, The Incredibles, and Finding Nemo. The survey respondents were to choose which film they thought was Pixar’s magnum opus. Drum roll please. With 34 percent of the vote, fans agree that Toy Story is unsurpassed in quality and deem it the best Pixar film. Toy Story was Pixar’s first animated feature, premiering back in 1995. Sometimes you just can’t beat the original.
But what makes Toy Story so special in the hearts of fans? After all, CGI has only improved over the years, so shouldn’t we have a more recent film winner? It turns out Toy Story is the crowd favorite because of its beautiful simplicity. The plot was unpretentious – your toys came to life when you weren’t looking. What kind of shenanigans did they get themselves into? The characters of Toy Story were so unique and full of life that they led to the creation of three more films. The voice cast was iconic – who can think of Woody without picturing Tom Hanks? The movie was made for kids yet was highly enjoyable for adults. It presented themes such as jealousy, which Woody felt when Andy got a shiny new toy, Buzz Lightyear. Accepting reality and dealing with shattered dreams was something that Buzz Lightyear had to do when he learned that he in fact could not fly. The eclectic team of toys working together for a common goal and bolstering each other’s strengths is wholesome and delightful. Toy Story takes the cake in this regard and fans have enjoyed the movies for decades now.
Toy Story reigns supreme as the franchise has made over $3 billion worldwide. It has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and is a spectacular use of your time if you haven’t seen it (or if you want to re-watch it for the hundredth time). How did the other movies in the survey rank? In second place, we have Finding Nemo with 25 percent of the vote. In third place comes The Incredibles with 17 percent of the votes. In last place, we have Up, garnering only 15 percent of the vote. Up is known for having the most tear jerking opening scene of all time (try to watch it without crying) so the fact that it came in dead last is surprising! However, it goes to show that the efficacy of a plot always supersedes an appeal to emotion. The survey contained a write-in section so you could mention your personal favorite Pixar movie if it was not among the options provided. Honorable mentions included WALL-E, Ratatouille, Cars, and Inside Out. Although Toy Story is deemed number one, Pixar’s other films are worth a watch as they are absolutely fantastic. This animation studio has definitely made a name for themselves. Pixar is synonymous with excellence.