When we think of exact lookalike, we often think of strange sci-fi movies about clones, robots, laboratory evils, and more. In reality, it happens. In a world of over 7 billion people, likely, you are not so unique. Someone out there looks just like you. These people are called doppelgangers or your living double. Of course, with over 7 billion people out there, it is equally unlikely that you will ever meet them. Unless you are Santana Gutierrez, who met her living double in the mall recently.
Santana was having a day like any other, meeting friends in the mall, and doing a little shopping. When as often happens, a charity worker approached her, asking for her to sign up for a monthly donation. I am a big fan of charities, but after a while, these people are hard to cope with. My tactic is politely to say hi, put my head down, and keep walking. Santana, luckily, didn´t do that. She stopped to talk to this person and was shocked to look up and see herself — her exact double.
Santana recently posted the picture on her Twitter and her friends were shocked at the likeness. Even stranger, the film went viral, and now four more people have stepped forward who claim to look exactly like her. Now, this has to be the start of a sci-fi movie! The odds of finding your exact lookalike are so low, but to find more people who look the same and are not related (or at least, not that they know of) is insane.

The internet is a fantastic place for bringing people together, and once again, it has shown its strength in bringing six would be strangers to find each other over such a thing. Let’s hope they have a meet up soon and take a picture.