In this article, we are going to look into a controversial yet interesting topic. Have you ever been curious to know about the correct position to hang a Toilet Paper? In the year of 1977, a known newspaper columnist, Esther Pauline Lederer, wrote an article in which he talked about the under position of toilet paper being more suitable as compared to the over orientation of the toilet paper. Over this issue, she received around 15k letters opposing her opinion of ‘over’ to ‘under’ orientation of toilet paper.
The argument was not restricted to this, but it spread to the farthest south pole where the researchers Amundsen-Scott were clashing over on the reliable way to hang the toilet paper. There are many more arguments and facts to be highlighted to show the perfect claim. Let us start discussing them.
According to the survey of the book “The First Really Important Survey Of The American Habits” in 1989, 68% of the people preferred over orientation to the under. According to the 2011 study by, “Microbial Biogeography of Public Restroom Surfaces”, there is no doubt in stating that bathrooms are filled with buckets of micro-organisms. It was also said that in comparison to men, women restrooms have a high concentration of microbes. Now, the argument was that as toilet seats and especially the flushing mechanism is fitted with a whole lot of such pathogens, over orientation would be suitable as it restricts the person from touching the wall.
A counter-argument was that the toilet paper is already exposed to so many pathogens so how would it make a difference? But on the contrary, it was stated that the main objective is to minimize the exposure to pathogens where possible and then to wash the hands thereafter. So, avoiding contact with walls is perhaps a good idea as many times the cleaning staff does not clean the walls.
Looking after the restrooms and washrooms outside your comfort area, let us talk about what will be good at your home. For the obvious reasons, over orientation is preferred to under orientation as it is easier to grab and then tear off. Other arguments in favor of over orientation are that the manufacturers of toilet paper print the patters on it, keeping in mind the over position. On the other side, the promoters of under orientation claim that under looks tidier as compared to over. Moreover, if one has been of the feline or human parasite persuasion, the more secrete Under orientation turns out to prove less tempting for these two groups to play with. Finally, it was seen that the ‘over’ orientation of toilet paper was seen as a better option than ‘under’ position.