
Dog Refuses To Look At Owner After Vet Visit

Dog Refuses To Look At Owner After Vet Visit

If you have a dog, you’ll agree that taking care of the canines can be tricky. While they are undoubtedly among the most friendly pets, they require extra attention. Bret Mortimer regularly drives her dog, Fritz, to a local park in Salt Lake City. The dog is so used to the routine that it gives her trouble whenever she plans for a differentactivity. At one point, Bret had an appointment with a vet since Fritz needed a check-up. As it had become a routine, Fritz thought that Bret was driving him to the park to play with his friends! When he realised...

The story of a violinist and the Devil

The story of a violinist and the Devil

Niccolò Paganini was one of the greatest violinists ever to live. The greatest violinist Niccolò Paganini was considered as a musical genius by some musical gods. By others, Niccolò Paganini was known as the Devil’s minion. Because of Paganini’s appearance and virtuosity, some people believed that his violin skills could only come after he had made some contact with the Devil. The Devil’s Violinist was born on 27 October 1782 in Genoa, Italy. Some believed that Niccolò Paganini’s mother had set her heart on him for becoming a famous violinist. With this, a rumor arose that his mother had made...

The Lion King’s original ending

The Lion King’s original ending

Disney’s animated movies are known for their beautiful princess and fairy-tale endings, but there’s always something darker in most of the Disney films. We saw it in the 1942 Disney movie Bambi when Bambi’s mother was killed, and we saw it again when Mufasa’s brother Scar killed him in the 1994 film The Lion king. But if Disney stuck with the original Lion King’s storyboard plan, then the ending of the 1994 movie, The Lion King, would have been disturbing to the audience. Get Ready For Many Disney Spoilers The original versions of Lion King’s storyboards that are now made...

The ancient inventions we have forgotten

The ancient inventions we have forgotten

The past is a mystery. While there are millions of history books recounting the discoveries that we have made and the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation, the truth is that we don’t know a lot of what happened thousands of years ago. Today thanks to the internet everything is documented and it is likely that those in the future will know about the current age in incredible detail (possibly a little too much as the crazy frog and baby shark are not things we will be proud of in a few years’s time). Unless of...

20 Facts About Pi

20 facts about ‘Pi’

We were tempted to call this blog entry “20 fun facts about Pi” but thought that the majority of people struggle to find maths fun. Trust me, these 20 facts about Pi will go some way towards changing your mind if you are a nonbeliever in the fascination of mathematics. Pi is an extraordinary number that deserves a close inspection. 1. Pi is a number that represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter or put more simply it is the ration of the total length of the outside of a circle compared to the distance...

What is the correct position to hang toilet paper?

What is the correct position to hang toilet paper?

In this article, we are going to look into a controversial yet interesting topic. Have you ever been curious to know about the correct position to hang a Toilet Paper? In the year of 1977, a known newspaper columnist, Esther Pauline Lederer, wrote an article in which he talked about the under position of toilet paper being more suitable as compared to the over orientation of the toilet paper. Over this issue, she received around 15k letters opposing her opinion of ‘over’ to ‘under’ orientation of toilet paper. The argument was not restricted to this, but it spread to the...

Five Tricks That Will Save Smart Students Money

Five Tricks That Will Save Smart Students Money

Students are known to be relatively poor. Student life is just so expensive. They have to pay tuition, rent, telephone bills, and health insurance, as well as food and drinks. Besides, they constantly have to be studying, which means there is little time to earn extra cash. The advantage of such a financial situation is that one will have to learn to be creative. Here are a few "tricks" to help you create a few cheap things with little money. Make an amplifier for your phone Music from your mobile phone often just isn't loud enough on the phone's speakers. With this simple...

What happened with the hippos of Pablo Escobar?

What happened with the hippos of Pablo Escobar?

Geography is an amazing subject. When you consider that the continents of the world were all once joined up it starts to tell stories of the emergence of life across the world and how certain animals on one continent can resemble animals on the other side of the world. One animal that is native only to Africa is the hippo. It can be found in 26 African countries. Yet it can also be found in one South American country, Colombia. How is it that hippos can be found in 26 African countries and Colombia? Is it due to the separation...

Revelers Hold Giant Game Of Hide-And-Seek In Glasgow Ikea, Until Police Show Up

Revelers Hold Giant Game Of Hide-And-Seek In Glasgow Ikea, Until Police Show Up

Is there anything better than a Sunday spent in IKEA? Walking the endless aisles, not needing to buy anything but knowing you will leave with a trolley full of wonders. IKEA is a playground for adults. Somewhere to spend that small bit of extra cash, we work so hard for and end up wasting on something we don´t need. It appears that recently, it has become a veritable playground as people have started to use the large IKEA stores as arenas for epic games of Hide and Seek. Can you remember the last time you played Hide and Seek? The worst...

The origin of ‘couch potato’

The origin of ‘couch potato’

In our everyday vocabulary, we all have a set of slang words or phrases that we use with no real idea of what they mean or where they originated. Often, I will wonder about the etymology of a phrase I have used for years without giving any previous thought to it. Most recently, I thought, what exactly is a "couch potato"? So, I pulled out my laptop and Googled "couch potato". It turns out that the etymology of couch potato is one of the very few terms that can be traced back to exactly when it was first created. Apparently,...


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