I love the zoo. You go and see some of the most amazing animals in the world. Some are ferocious, some are strange and some are just incredibly cute. The cute ones are the toughest ones to walk away from. Sometimes you just want to grab them, cuddle them, put them in your bag and take them home forever. But you can’t. You know that, right? Tell that Aquinas Kasbar who recently stole a lemur from a zoo and took it home!
When you hear a story like this you assume that Aquinas must be a ten-year-old boy who didn’t understand the ways of the world and just wanted to cuddle Isaac (the lemur) a little more. Unfortunately, this was nothing so innocent. Aquinas is 19-year-old man who decided to break into the zoo using wire cutters to lemurnap little Isaac.
Not a good idea
Luckily the next day, Aquinas came to his senses and decided this was not such a good idea. He took Isaac and left it outside a popular hotel with a note saying what he had done and where the lemur belonged.
Almost the perfect crime but Aquinas was caught. The damage and drama that he caused cost the zoo over $8,000 in damages. Kalbar was charged with a maximum sentence of one year in prison and a fine of $100,000. If this was a drunken mistake, he certainly paid for it.
The lesson is simple, although so obvious that it shouldn´t really need to be said. Zoo animals are for zoos and their natural habitats, not for your bedroom drawer! Aquinas if you are reading, please take caution. Exotic pets are a fun idea but make sure you know how to raise them properly and that you have the proper environment, and if you want one, the zoo is not the best place to pick one up, even if they are incredibly cute. Nice try Aquinas